
Sometimes life can be overwhelming and suicide may seem like the only way to relieve the pain.

1 in 6 Australians will have thoughts of suicide at some point during their lives. Suicidal thoughts are common but they can pass. You don't need to act on them.

On this page we'll help you find information and support if you're feeling suicidal, supporting someone else or have lost someone to suicide.

If you're in crisis right now, support is available.

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Crisis support options - for urgent help

If you're seriously injured or at risk of harming yourself right now, call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance. For free, confidential 24/7 counselling call or chat online to Lifeline or Suicide Call Back Service. No problem is too big or small.

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Finding a way through suicidal feelings: 8 stories of hope

"One of the common misconceptions about suicide is that it’s a selfish act."
Watch more stories about finding a way through suicidal feelings
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Feeling suicidal

If you’re feeling suicidal, please know that suicidal thoughts can pass. You don't need to act on them.

Understand what suicidal thoughts are and how to stay safe if you’re feeling suicidal.
Illustration of a woman sitting on a beanbag while a man on a couch coaches her

Suicide and mental health

Suicidal behaviour indicates deep unhappiness, not necessarily a mental health issue. Many people living with mental health issues aren’t suicidal, and not all people who take their own lives have a mental health issue.

Suicide risk factors

The reasons that people take their own lives are often very complex. Risk factors (sometimes called vulnerability factors) can increase the likelihood of suicidal behaviour. 

Known risk factors for suicide include:

  • previous suicide attempts

  • history of substance abuse

  • history of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • relationship problems such as conflict with parents or intimate partners

  • legal or disciplinary problems

  • access to harmful means, such as medication or weapons

  • recent death or suicide of a family member or a close friend

  • ongoing exposure to bullying behaviour

  • physical illness or disability.

Illustration of two people in a hot air balloon

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