Board of directors

The Board is the guardian of the purpose for which Beyond Blue was established – its vision, mission, values and beliefs. The Board fulfils its primary role by:

  • appointing and removing the Chief Executive Officer and monitoring performance
  • overseeing the development of, and approving, Beyond Blue's strategic plan
  • supporting the delivery of the strategic plan by ensuring adequate management of resources to achieve agreed corporate and performance objectives
  • providing input into, approving, and monitoring performance against Beyond Blue's annual budget and operating plan
  • monitoring, and where necessary, approving Beyond Blue's compliance with legal and regulatory requirements including external financial reporting
  • recommending to Members the appointment and/or removal of and monitoring the performance and ongoing independence of the auditor of Beyond Blue.

The Board has formally delegated responsibility for the day-to-day operation of Beyond Blue to the Chief Executive Officer and executive management team.

The Board oversees and monitors management’s performance by:

  • meeting at least four times per year
  • receiving detailed financial and other reports from management at these meetings and at other times as required
  • receiving additional information and input from management when necessary
  • assigning authority to the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee (which operates under Terms of Reference approved by the Board) to oversee particular areas of responsibility.

Our board of directors

Illustration of two people in a hot air balloon

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