Overall Commitment

Beyond Blue’s gender pay gap was 10.8% as of June 2022. This continues to sit below the average gender pay gaps in both the public and private sectors. We are committed to driving it downwards through focused action and by promoting a diverse and inclusive work environment that supports equality in the workplace. 

We know we have more to do, and this is a focus of leadership, the Board and Board subcommittees. 

Gender Pay Gap Context and Drivers

Beyond Blue’s gender pay gap has been decreasing, on average, over the last three WGEA reporting periods. As of June 2022, our gender pay gap was 10.8%, lower than the public sector’s at 11.2 % and below the private sector’s at 16.1%.

At the time of reporting, our workforce comprised 69% women and 31% men. (Gender is disclosed on a voluntary basis and Beyond Blue supports WGEA’s move towards collecting data for employees who identify as non-binary.)

WGEA classifies Beyond Blue against its Other Social Assistance Services Industry group. Compared to this industry’s benchmark, in June 2022 Beyond Blue had:

more women in part-time positions – about 89% of part-time positions were occupied by women at Beyond Blue compared to an industry benchmark of 75%. About 23.3 percent of women worked part-time, compared to 7% of men.
- Unequal participation in part-time work was a significant driver of Beyond Blue’s gender pay gap.
- Beyond Blue strives to create contemporary employment terms and we are reviewing our policies so they more actively support all genders to maintain positions of seniority if they choose to work part-time.

a higher percentage of women in non-management positions (74%) than in management positions (67%). This was a contributor to Beyond Blue’s pay equity gap because it reduces the overall annualised average based salary for women.  This is comparable to women in the industry comparison group.

a higher proportion of males who occupy management positions – noting this is proportionally similar to the industry benchmark.
- Management roles typically attract higher remuneration and proportionally at Beyond Blue, more men occupied management roles.
- Fewer management roles were held on a part-time basis and more women occupy part-time roles.

a higher gender pay gap – In the Other Social Assistance Services Industry group, women are typically paid more on average than men and the sector’s average gender pay gap of -0.8% reflects this.
- About 80% of Beyond Blue employees who took primary carers’ leave over the reporting period were women and those who took leave often chose to return on a part-time basis.
- Many positions filled over the period fell within the “data and technology” job family, where recruitment pools were typically filled by men and where roles attract high remuneration because they are in high demand in the job market.

more women in governing roles – While these roles are not included in gender pay gap calculations, 58% of Beyond Blue’s board comprised women, 12% higher than the industry benchmark.

Actions and Strategies

Beyond Blue appreciates that achieving gender pay equity takes time, focused and sustained effort, action on many fronts, and cultural change to remove barriers to full and equal participation in the workforce. 

Beyond Blue has a broad range of policies that support workplace gender equality including our Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Procedure and our Parental Leave Policy.
As well, Beyond Blue actively seeks to reduce its gender pay gap through a range of activities including talent mapping, succession planning, goal setting, performance management, education including on unconscious bias, training and development. In addition to our WGEA reporting obligations, Beyond Blue monitors its gender pay gap through internal self-checks twice yearly.

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