Support Beyond Blue's NewAccess for Small Business Owners program

Find helpful information, messaging and assets to help you spread the word about Beyond Blue's NewAccess for Small Business Owners (NASBO) program.

Support small business owners to improve their mental wellbeing and ability to manage challenges brought about through work and personal pressures.

Learn more about NASBO
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About NewAccess for Small Business Owners


Running a small business can be highly stressful. Long hours, social isolation, cash flow issues and the competing demands of work and home life can leave small business owners and sole traders feeling high levels of mental distress.

To address the need for mental health support in this cohort, Beyond Blue launched NewAccess for Small Business Owners (NASBO) in 2021. NASBO is a free and confidential mental health coaching program that uses Low-intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, a structured, evidence-based psychological treatment, to help small business owners and sole traders get back on track.

Available nationwide, NASBO is Commonwealth funded and delivered by a single Service Provider, Richmond Fellowship Queensland (RFQ).

Download the toolkit

Support small business owners to improve their mental wellbeing and ability to manage challenges brought about through work and personal pressures.

We want as many small business owners to know about and have access to the program as possible. We’ve put together the below assets to make it easier to spread the word about NewAccess for Small Business Owners within your community.

This toolkit showcases all print collateral and digital assets developed, tested and available for use by key stakeholders in support of the NewAccess for Small Business Owners program. Below, you can download any of the assets shown in this kit.

  • Key Messages   

  • Social Media Assets

  • Newsletter and eDM materials

  • Print assets

  • Referring people to the program

  • Additional materials

Seeking support

Are you a small business owner or sole trader feeling as though you’re struggling right now? Any small business owners or sole traders who are feeling stressed, worried or overwhelmed can enquire about NASBO today on 1300 945 301 or visit:

NewAccess for Small Business Owners

Alternative support

NewAccess for Small Business Owners is not a crisis service and is not suitable for individuals experiencing a significant amount of mental health distress.

NewAccess Coaches are trained to assess the potential effectiveness of the program and may suggest step-up options to you, in consultation with their clinical supervisor. A step-up option is an alternative service that may be more suitable for your current needs.

NewAccess is not a crisis service. If you are in an emergency or at immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, please go to your local emergency department or call 000.

Other 24-hour support services include:


The Better Access initiative is available for people to access a number of cost subsidised sessions with a mental health professional, such as a psychologist. To access this initiative, you need to complete a Mental Health Treatment Plan with your GP.

To find out where SBOs can receive further support, download Additional support options


  • New Access logo, developed by Beyond Blue
Illustration of two people in a hot air balloon

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