Beyond Blue Webchat
Webchat is our free 24/7 online service for brief counselling. Most chats last around 20 minutes.
It's your private, safe space to get mental health advice. Our counsellors will listen to you and support you. They can also help find the right mental health services if you need support.
It's your private, safe space to get mental health advice. Our counsellors will listen to you and support you. They can also help find the right mental health services if you need support.
Webchat availability
Webchat is a free service.
Webchat is available 24/7.
Webchat is available for everyone in Australia.
Wait times
There may be a wait before a counsellor is available, as many people seek support.
Our busiest times are Sunday and Monday night, where the wait time for a counsellor can exceed 15 minutes.
If you're at risk of harming yourself right now, call Triple Zero 000 for an ambulance.
If you're feeling suicidal, call or chat online to Lifeline or Suicide Call Back Service.
Ready to chat?
To get started, press the 'Chat with a Counsellor' button displayed in the bottom right corner.