Video Transcript
Leaving a bequest to Beyond Blue
One of the best things about my job as CEO of Beyond Blue is meeting the many people who tell me how we supported them and their families through a really difficult time in their lives.
It's equally humbling and powerful when someone opens the door to their personal story and lets you in for me it validates why I get up in the morning and head to work.
One of the most important responsibilities I have is to ensure that Beyond Blue can not only help people today but in the years ahead and in recent times I've been thinking about how personally I can make a difference in those lives decades from now.
That's why I've decided to include Beyond Blue in my will. It allows me to know that i can keep giving even when I'm no longer here and I make that pledge knowing my gift will go a long way.
And as someone who isn't so good with personal admin I can assure you the process is really easy.
So if you're interested in including Beyond Blue in your will, please go to our website click on the make a donation tab and visit the bequests page.