Mental Health Mission: Week 4

Congratulations, you've made it to the final week of our Mental Health Mission!

We've really enjoyed being on this journey with you, and hope you've found it valuable.

Week 4: Time to ACT

This week is all about taking action! It’s about doing the things that work for your mental health – the things that help you feel good and thrive, but may require a bit more effort.

This might come from caring for your body or taking positive steps towards a goal. These actions could be small, big or somewhere in the middle.

Mission: Body

Give your body some TLC. Your mind and body interact and work together to allow us to experience life so it is important to look after it as it helps in supporting our mood, how we feel about ourselves and reducing stress. Nurture your body in a way that feels good. This could look be:

  • Trying a new healthy recipe
  • Listening to your body! Follow our muscle relaxation exercise to help bring you back into your body. This can be done anywhere. Try this exercise to get into your body
  • Create a list of all the things you are grateful that your body does. It keeps us alive and allows us to experience this world, lets give it some love. This might feel weird to begin with but once you get going you will find so many reasons big and small that your grateful for about your body. This can sound like "I am grateful that I am able to eat and taste my favorite food"
  • Movement: This could be taking a walk in nature, dancing, trying yoga. Anything that gets you up and moving! Making an activity plan can help you remember the types of movement that you enjoy as well as staying accountable.
Download the activity plan

Mission: Goals

Goal-setting rewires our brains. When we set a goal, we’re biologically programming our brains to change or create new behaviours to reach them, impacting the way our neurons organise.
Start small with one at a time:

  • It may seem small, but starting the day by making your bed is a great habit to get into. If all you were able to manage today was making your bed, that's okay! You ticked it off, and that's something to be proud of.
  • Struggling to do a task? Ask someone to be your body double! This is someone who can sit in the same room as you or be with you virtually, to help you stay on task. Give them a call!
  • Sometimes it can get overwhelming when we try to fix things outside our control. Use the control wheel as a guide to help you understand where to focus your energy. This could be based on one particular area of your life, or you can think more broadly.
  • Switch your phone to 'Do Not Disturb' at night time - Just give it a go and see how you feel at the end of the week. Reducing screen time or giving yourself a break from the outside is a good way to reset. 


" If you’re feeling stuck, or confused, or lacking in motivation, often taking action is the best circuit breaker. Taking action is the fastest way to change how you feel. Move your body. Help someone. Make progress towards a goal. Whatever it is – and no matter how small the action – feeling like you’re moving forward is great for your mental health "

Dr. Luke Martin, Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Spokesperson, Beyond Blue

Learn about mindfulness and mental health

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Completing the Mental Health Mission with someone else can be motivating. It can be more fun. It can help keep you accountable.

You can also use the Mental Health Mission or our Wellbeing Action Tool template to help guide conversations with people close to you about what works for your wellbeing.

Invite a friend to complete the Mental Health Mission with you
Illustration of friends having a conversation on a couch
Illustration of two people in a hot air balloon

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